Tu e il Creatore | Natural Harmonies
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The next relationship seminar is You and the Creator, in which we show and teach our students to understand the undercurrent of their subconscious mind, how their body solves problems and how they can really know the difference between communicating with the Creator Energy. and communicate with their Ego or their Higher Self.

Remember, the Creator is a pure and perfect love energy. It is a conscious love. And it will change your life. This energy, this life force is in every atom and every atom is a part of you and a part of everything around you. We will teach you to discern and you will learn to manage and redirect your subconscious mind to work for you.

This is a very important seminar because every time I teach a Thetahealing ® course , there is always someone who asks me “how do I know if the answer I receive comes from the Creator?”. This course will teach you to direct your mind to understand better.

This is an extraordinary seminar that has completely transformed the Thetahealing ® technique .

Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Deep Dig
Seminar duration: 2 consecutive days
Material included in the seminar: practitioner manual, numbered THInK official diploma.

Cost of new members - 400 €

Refreshing cost - 220 €  

In case of REFRESHMENT of the seminar after registering, please send the photo of your certificate as soon as possible to nat.harmonies@gmail.com


In this life we should reach different levels of Love: love for ourselves, the love of the Creator, the love of a partner, knowing how to truly love family, friends and the world.
It is important that we learn to become masters of Love, but how can we do that if our programs tell us that it is impossible?

The second seminar in the "Your Relationships" series is You and the Creator, in which we show and teach our students to understand the undercurrent of their subconscious mind, how their body solves problems and how they can really know the difference between communicating with Creator Energy and communicating with their Ego or Higher Self.
Remember, the Creator is a pure and perfect love energy. It is a conscious love. And it will change your life.
This energy, this life force is in every atom and every atom is a part of you and a part of everything around you.
We will teach you to discern and you will learn to manage and redirect your subconscious mind to work for you.
This seminar will teach you to direct your mind to understand better.


From February 2022 he has been included in the path to become Thetahealing Instructors, so the completion of the 4 fundamental courses Basic, Advanced, Deep Excavation and You and the Creator allows access to training to become a thetahealing instructor. The teacher courses are taught exclusively by the founder, Vianna Stibal, her daughter Brandy and her son Joshua.


Disclaimer: ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at  www.thetahealing.com




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