Scavo Profondo | Natural Harmonies
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Thetahealing® is a comprehensive healing philosophy and system that can be used to change self-limiting beliefs and beliefs, enhance positive beliefs as well as improve self-understanding and evolve spiritually for the benefit of mankind.

This belief system is often very deep and linked not only to our life experiences, but also to those inherited from our ancestors, collective consciousness beliefs, instinctive, ancestral beliefs and those, even deeper, related to our past lives. and to our soul.

It is essential to be able to accurately identify the origin of deep limiting beliefs in order to change them, thus removing the blocks and obstacles that prevent us from living a more harmonious and satisfying life.

The Excavation technique is an integral part of the Thetahealing® path and it is only thanks to it that we can identify the limiting beliefs at the base of our belief system. It is therefore essential to be able to use it always with greater familiarity, depth and awareness.

During the course this technique will be reviewed, deepened and tested, allowing participants to have greater efficacy and safety in treatments with people.


Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA

Seminar duration: 2 consecutive days

Included material: practitioner manual, numbered THInK official diploma.


Cost of new members - 400 €

Refreshing cost - 220 €  

In case of REFRESHMENT of the seminar after registering, please send the photo of your certificate as soon as possible to


Topics covered:


- The 10 types of excavation

- How to find and define a basic belief

- Learn more about muscle testing

- How to make sure you are connected to the Seventh Plane of Existence

- How to release and resolve disharmonious energies through excavations

- Excavation exercises


Since 2018 this course has been included as a prerequisite for subsequent courses of the Thetahealing study path.


Disclaimer: ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at





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