Tu e la Tua Cerchia Ristretta | Natural Harmonies
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The You and Your Small Circle course was created to help you make progress in every area of your life by surrounding yourself with the right people and knowing who your best friend should be. 

In this course, you will learn how to recognize your inner circle and how to discern at what stage of development the people around you are. We will show you the different states of mind: the state of the child, the parent and the grandparents. In the state of the child, the person needs a lot of encouragement and energy. In the adult state, the person no longer needs to be encouraged so much, but encourages their children and helps others. Then there is the final stage which is the grandparents who support the whole community.

If you as a healer are surrounded by people all the time who need constant encouragement, you will be drained quickly. For this reason, some people in your inner circle should be the ones who reciprocate what you give them. You will take a test to see what stage of mental development you are in and then you will learn what you need to do in order to be where you want to be.

We will teach you why your inner circle changes so much, why your friendships change and what kind of friends you need to surround yourself with so that you can feel good and thus continue contributing to the world and we will also teach you how you will work with each of the above mental states. . This way you will understand your clients and students, see what state they are in and help them move forward.

This seminar is a prerequisite for DNA 4.


Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Deep Dig
Seminar duration: 2 consecutive days
Material included in the seminar: practitioner manual, numbered THInK official diploma.


Price New subscribers - 400 €
Refreshing price - 220 €

In case of REFRESHMENT of the seminar after registering, please send the photo of your certificate as soon as possible to nat.harmonies@gmail.com


Disclaimer: ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at  www.thetahealing.com





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