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to the light within you


THE PATH OF THE SOUL: from Prenatal to birth

Where does all I am come from? What happens to our soul from the moment we choose to incarnate until the moment of our birth, a very important moment because even in this phase we acquire a lot of information and this information makes us who we are today.

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THE PATH OF THE SOUL: birth and domestication imprinting

As the seed of a plant contains the pattern of its life, in exactly the same way, the story of our creation has a profound influence on our existence.

Discovering and becoming aware of one's own "imprinting" of procreation, pregnancy, birth and the subsequent "domestication" will help us to dissolve and release our new potentials, our resources in all areas of a person's life.


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THE PATH OF THE SOUL: The 5 wounds

We all come into the world with wounds that we must learn to accept, they have developed over the course of numerous incarnations and, depending on our life plan, some are more painful than others.  

In this webinar you will be introduced to the 5 soul wounds and treated with the Thetahealing® technique through group excavation with related downloads for each wound. At the end of the course a splendid meditation that will help you whenever you feel the need.

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