Dna Avanzato | Natural Harmonies
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The purpose of the Advanced DNA Course is to complete the knowledge acquired in the Basic DNA Course, adding further techniques, deepening the excavation technique and the concept of the Planes of Existence. You will be taught how to connect and use each Plan in detail to transform, expand your energy and move into change. They will also be taught how to release old resentments, oaths, obligations and covenants that burden one's life and belonging to past situations, are obsolete.

The student will learn how to make changes in himself through the healing of the "baby in utero" and that of the "broken soul". Numerous downloads of missing feelings will be given which will bring about profound personal change and growth. This seminar is a very enjoyable experience and an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth.


Prerequisites: Basic DNA

Seminar duration: 3 consecutive days

Material included: practitioner manual, Vianna's book “Advanced ThetaHealing®” (MyLife editions), official numbered THInK diploma.

Cost of new members - 400 €

Refreshing cost - 200 €  

In case of REFRESHMENT of the seminar after registering, please send the photo of your certificate as soon as possible to nat.harmonies@gmail.com


Topics covered:


- The release of oaths and vows of this and other lives

- A deep understanding of the Seventh Plane of Existence

- Equation of the Planes of Existence

- The programs of the different Plans of Existence

- Understanding the initiations of the different Planes of Existence

- Advanced energy cleaning

- Deepening of the work on beliefs

- I work on fear

- Deepening of the work on feelings

- Teacher insertions of hundreds of empowering feelings

- The Song of the Heart

- Exercise: release of floating memories

- Exercise: the baby in utero

- Exercise: the broken soul

- Exercise: meeting the second Plane of Existence

- Exercise: meeting the fourth Plane of Existence

- Exercise: how to work on non-organic material

- Exercise: meeting the Higher Self


Disclaimer: ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at  www.thetahealing.com




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