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Thetahealing® is a very powerful meditative technique that gives us the opportunity to get in touch with the Universal Energy that permeates the surrounding reality, through the activation of Theta brain waves, and to totally change our way of thinking and perceiving. reality. It is thanks to this very simple process that it is possible, even in a short time, to achieve and establish psychic and physical balance and well-being.

This technique was brought back to our times by Vianna Stibal, an American naturopath and intuitive doctor, when she managed to activate a self-healing process in herself when the doctors diagnosed her with bone cancer.  In the years following her recovery, Vianna began to do more and more research to understand how her recovery had occurred. Thanks to the help of some physicists, he discovered that when he used his meditative technique, his brain emitted Theta waves: it is precisely this altered state of consciousness, into which we all go without realizing it during sleep, that allows us to receive the 'Universal Energy and activate self-healing in the body. In this state, it is also possible and easy to transform all the limiting beliefs and beliefs that each of us has assimilated into our unconscious during life experiences.


Goal of the course


The aim of the course is to teach all participants to activate the Theta waves of the brain through a simple meditation and learn to transform all the limiting beliefs and beliefs assimilated into their own unconscious during their life. The behavior and feeling of people is in fact governed by an infinity of beliefs acquired on the basis of personal experiences lived over the years, in addition to family beliefs and collective conscience beliefs that are all registered in the DNA. It is important to consider that just over 10% of all beliefs of a person are conscious, while almost 90% are registered in the unconscious and therefore unaware. The "limiting" beliefs of the unconscious condition people to act differently from what they would like and it is for this reason that, although they would like to make a precise choice or perform a specific action, then they find themselves "instinctively" to make a other.


Prerequisites: None

Seminar duration: 3 consecutive days

Included material: practitioners manual, Vianna's book “ThetaHealing®” (MyLife editions), official numbered THInK diploma.

Cost of new members - 400 €

Refreshing cost - 220 €  


In case of REFRESHMENT of the seminar after registering, please send the photo of your certificate as soon as possible to


- The power of words and thoughts  

- How cells communicate

- Electromagnetic fields

- Free will and co-creation

- Intuitive skills

- Intuitive Reading

- The principles of healing

- The technique for healing

- Cells speak to cells

  - Group healing

- Because people don't heal

- Work on limiting beliefs

- How to change beliefs

- Programs for Feelings

- Fear Excavation Technique (Basic Belief research)

- Guardian Angels

- Soul Mate and Soul Fragments

- Reading of the future

- Manifest from the Seventh Plane of Existence

- Activation of DNA


Disclaimer: ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at

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